This Joint is Jumpin' Photos


Pictures from the Fox Valleyaires spring show, 2015.

Backstage with Bill and Kathleen.
Backstage with Bill and Kathleen.
Pleeease judge, I'm reformed, I swear!
Pleeease judge, I'm reformed, I swear!
Taking it easy before hitting the stage.
Taking it easy before hitting the stage.
Running through things one last time.
Running through things one last time.
Our Xavier High School volunteer extras.
Our Xavier High School volunteer extras.
Maybe not so reformed. "Take me over there boys."
Maybe not so reformed.  "Take me over there boys."
Our bartender Stan all snazzed up and getting the girl.
Our bartender Stan all snazzed up and getting the girl.
Do I have to wear the hat?
Do I have to wear the hat?